Here's a preview from my zine, Bite Size Command Line!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

read the transcript!
panel 1:
awk is a tiny programming language for manipulating columns of data
person: I only know how to do 2 things with awk but it’s still useful!
panel 2: basic awk program structure
BEGIN {...}
CONDITION (action}
CONDITION (action}
(do action on lines matching CONDITION)
END {...}
panel 3: extract a column.of text with awk
awk -F, '{print $5}'
the comma is the column separator
the ‘ is a single quote!
{print $5}
means print the 5th column
person: this is 99% of what I do with awk
panel 4:
SO MANY Unix commands print columns of text (ps! Is!)
so being able to get the column you want with awk is GREAT
panel 5: awk program example
sum the numbers in the 3rd column
{s += $3};
END {print s}'
(at the end, print the sum!)
panel 6: awk program example
print every line over 80 characters
length($0) > 80
“length” is the condition
(there’s an implicit {print}
as the action)
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