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A stick figure smiling

Here's a preview from my zine, Bite Size Bash!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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read -r var reads stdin into a variable

$ read -r greeting
   hello there!

(type here and press enter)

+ $ echo "$greeting"
hello there!

you can also read into multiple variables

$ read -r name1 name2 
ahmed fatima
$ echo "$name2" 

by default, read strips whitespace

" a b c " -> "a b c"

it uses the IFS (“Input Field Separator”) variable to decide what to strip

set IFS='' to avoid stripping whitespace empty string

$ IFS=''(empty string) read -r greeting

   hi there!
$ echo "$greeting"
   hi there!

the spaces are still there!

more IFS uses: loop over every line of a file

by default, for loops will loop over every word of a file (not every line). Set IFS='' to loop over every line instead!

(don’t forget to unset IFS when you’re done!)

for line in $(cat file.txt)
   echo $line

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