Here's a preview from my zine, Bite Size Bash!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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some bash features aren’t in the POSIX spec
Illustration of a smiling stick figure with curly hair.
Person: here are some examples! These won’t work in POSIX shells like dash
and sh
POSIX shells only have one array: $@
for arguments
[[ $DIR=/home/*]]
POSIX alternative: match strings with grep
[[ … ]]
POSIX alternative:
[ ... ]
diff <(./cmd1) <./cmd2)
this is called “process substitution”, you can use named pipes instead
the local Keyword
in POSIX shells, all variables are global
for ((i=0; i <3; i++))
only has for x
in … loops, not C-style loops
a. {png, svg}
you’ll have to type
a.png a.svg
POSIX alternative:
$(seq 1 5)
POSIX alternative:
$(printf "\n")
POSIX alternative:
pipe to sed
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