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A stick figure smiling

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most bash commands are programs

You can run which to find out which binary is being used for a program:

$ which ls 

### but some commands are functions inside the bash program
smiling stick figure with short curly hair: `$ echo hi`   
bash, represented by a box with a smiley face: ooh, echo? I'll call my builtin function that does that!

### type tells you if a command is a builtin

$ type grep grep is /bin/grep $ type echo echo is a builtin $ type cd cd is a builtin ```

examples of builtins

  • declare
  • type
  • source
  • alias
  • read
  • cd
  • printf
  • echo

a useful builtin: alias

alias lets you set up shorthand commands, like:
alias gc="git commit"

~/.bashrc runs when bash starts, put aliases there!

a useful builtin: source

bash runs in a subprocess, so you can’t use its variables / functions.

source is like pasting the contents of

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