Here's a preview from my zine, How Containers Work!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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sharing container images is useful
smiling stick figure with curly hair: I made an image you can use to run Redis with just one command!
smiling bald stick figure: yay!
a registry iS a server that serves images
images have an ID, like “leff92”
and sometimes a tag, like “18.04” or “latest”
registries let you download just the layers you need
client, represented by a box with a smiley face: I already have the Ubuntu base image, I just need 0fe223
registry, represented by a smaller box with a smiley face: here’s 0fe223
there are public container registries…
person: I’m going to use the latest official public Redis image to test my code!
… and private registries
developer at COMPANY, represented by a smiling bald stick figure: every time we build our web service, we upload a new image to our private registry
be careful where your container images come from
smiling stick figure: I’ll just run this image from RANDOM_PERSON
2 months later: oh no! RANDOM_PERSON is mining bitcoin on my server
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