Here's a preview from my zine, Help! I have a manager!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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I’ve had periods with some managers where, every time we talk, we’re talking about SOME problem:
Two illustrations of the same stick figure with curly hair, looking unhappy.
me: why did y happen?
me: X has been a problem for a year and it’s STILL not fixed
These days, I try to bring up problems that I’m interested in fixing and bring ideas for solutions when I can. Often we just talk about our work:
Each item is illustrated with a smiling stick figure with curly hair saying them.
- here’s an idea I had…
- my intern is doing awesome work!
- did you see that great thing this other team did?
- here’s an interesting bug from this past week…
- I thought of an onboarding project for the new person!
Sometimes venting can be useful too, though! If there’s a problem, it’s often helpful to bring it up even if I don’t have a solution.
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