Here's a preview from my zine, HTTP: Learn your browser's language!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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cross-origin resource sharing
Cross-origin requests are not allowed by default: (because of the same origin policy!)
Javascript from clothes.com: POST request to api.clothes.com?
Firefox (thought bubble): same origin flow chart
Firefox: NOPE. api.clothes.com is a different origin from clothes.com
If you run api.clothes.com, you can allow clothes.com to make requests to it using the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header. Here’s what happens:
javascript on clothes.com: POST /buy_thing
Host: api.clothes.com
Firefox (thought bubble): That’s cross-origin. I’m going to need to ask api.clothes.com if this request is allowed.
Firefox: OPTIONS /buy_thing
Host: api.clothes.com
(“hey, what requests are allowed?” preflight request)
api.clothes.com: 204 No Content``
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: clothes.com```
Firefox (thought bubble): cool, the request is allowed!
Firefox: POST /buy_thing
Host: api.clothes.com
Referer: clothes.com/checkout
api.clothes.com: 200 OK
{"thing_bought": true}
This OPTIONS request is called a “preflight” request, and it only happens for some requests, like we described in the diagram on the same-origin policy page. Most GET requests will just be sent by the browser without a preflight request first, but POST requests that send JSON need a preflight.
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