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CSS has specifications
CSS 2.1, represented by an image of a document with many lines of text: hello, this is how max-width works in excruciating detail
there used to be just one specification
Illustration of a smiling stick figure with curly hair.
person: it’s called “CSS 2” and I still like to reference it to learn the basics
today, every CSS feature has its own specification
you can find them all at https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS/
there are dozens of specs, for example: colors, flexbox, and transforms
major browsers usually obey the spec
but sometimes they have bugs
Illustration of a happy little caterpillar-type bug.
browser, represented by a box with a smiley face: oops, I didn’t quite implement that right…
CSS versions are called “levels”.
new levels only add new features. They don’t change the behaviour of existing CSS code
new features take time to implement
(The URL is surrounded by little hearts and stars)
can tell you which browser versions support a CSS feature
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