Here's a preview from my zine, How Containers Work!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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processes use their parent’s namespaces by default
parent, represented by a box with a smiley face: I’m in the host network namespace!
child, represented by a smaller box with a smiley face (created with ‘clone’ syscall): me too!
but you can switch namespaces at any time
box with a smiley face: I’m starting a container so it needs its own namespaces
command line tools
$ unshare --net COMMAND
: run COMMAND in a new network namespace$ sudo lsns
: list all namespaces$ nsenter -t PID --all COMMAND
: run COMMAND in the same namespaces as PID
namespace system calls
- clone: make a new process
- unshare: make + use a namespace
- setns: use an existing namespace
clone lets you create new namespaces for a child process
parent: clone (... CLONE_NEWNET)
child: I have my own network namespace!
each namespace type has a man page
$ man network_namespaces
A physical network device
can live in exactly one
network namespace.
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