Here's a preview from my zine, Help! I have a manager!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

read the transcript!
Most of the rest of this zine is about
(The word “communication” is surrounded by hearts, smiley faces, stars, and exclamation marks)
Basically your manager’s job is to make sure that your team is getting work done that will help the business.
This is awesome because it means that if you just communicate with them well, then you can mostly focus on programming!!!
(the word “awesome” is surrounded by glowing lines and hearts)
Communicating well can help you: - get awesome opportunities - solve problems - build trust - understand priorities - get promoted - get feedback
(each of the above items is in a spikey bubble)
To start, let’s talk about 1:1s (which hopefully your manager schedules regularly).
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