Here's a preview from my zine, Bite Size Command Line!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

read the transcript!
less is a pager
that means it lets you view (not edit) text files.
man uses your pager (usually less
) to display man pages
many vim shortcuts work in less
next/prev matchj/k
down / up a linem/'
mark/return to lineg
in vim)/G
beginning /end of file
less -r
displays bash escape codes as colours
try ls --color | less -r
with -r
- a.txt
- a.txt.gz
(red, bold)
without -r
- a.txt
ESCLOM ESC C01;31ma.txt.gz ESCCOM
or piped in text
quit (smiley face)
v (lowercase)
edit file in your $EDITOR
arrow keys, Home / End, PgUp, Pg Dn work in less
press F to keep reading from the file as it’s updated (like tail -f
press Ctrl+C to stop reading updates
runs a command when less starts
less +F
: follow updatesless +G
: start at end of fileless +20%
: start 20% into fileless +/foo
: search for ‘foo’ right away
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