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man pages are split up into 8 sections
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
$ man 2 read
means “get me the man page for read
from section 2”.
There’s both - a program called “read” - and a system call called “read”
$ man 1 read
gives you a different man page from
$ man 2 read
If you don’t specify a section, man will look through all the sections & show the first one it finds.
man page sections
$ man grep
$ man ls
system calls
$ man sendfile
$ man ptraceC functions
$man printf
$ man fopendevices
$ man null
for /dev/null docsfile formats
$ man sudoers
$ man proc
files in/proc
not super useful.$man sl
is my favourite from that sectionmiscellaneous
explains concepts!
$man 7 pipe
$ man 7 symlink
sysadmin programs
$ man apt
$ man chroot
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