Here's a preview from my zine, Help! I have a manager!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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Understanding a little about your manager’s job helps you work well with them! Some things your manager is responsible for:
Each of these items is enclosed in a thought bubble with an illustration.
make sure the team is doing important projects
Illustration of a smiling stick figure (the manager).
manager: X is a priority this quarter!
keep projects on track
Illustration of two smiling stick figures, one with medium length straight hair (the CEO) and another one with no hair (the manager).
CEO: what’s the status of x project?
manager: [needs to answer]
communicate with other teams
Illustration of two smiling stick figures, one with curly hair (person on other team) and another one with no hair (the manager).
person on other team: we’re doing x
manager: our teams should collaborate on that!
help team members grow
Illustration of a smiling stick figures with curly hair.
person: I learned so much this year!
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