Here's a preview from my zine, Bite Size Networking!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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like grep for your network
(network is surrounded with glowy lines)
$ sudo ngrep GET
will find every plaintext HTTP GET request
ngrep syntax
$ ngrep
[regular expression]
[BPF filter]
(“regular expression” is what to search packets for)
“BPF filter” use the same format as tcpdump uses!
panel 3
Illustration of a smiling stick figure with curly hair.
person: I started using ngrep
when I was intimidated by tcpdump and I found it easier (heart)
is for device
which network interface to use. same as tcpdump’s -i
(try -d any
-W byline
prints line breaks as line breaks, not “\n”. Nice when looking at HTTP requests
-I file.pcap -O file.pcap
read/write packets from/to a pcap file
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