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nmap lets you explore a network
which ports are open?
what hosts are up?
security people use it a lot!
find which hosts are up
$ nmap-sn
is my home network
means “ping scan”. (not -s-n
it’s -sn
just finds hosts by pinging every one, doesn’t port scan
aggressive scan
nmap -v -A scanme.nmap.org
= aggressive
port, server version, even OS
skip doing a ping scan and assume every host is up. good if hosts block ping (lots do)
fast port scan
$ nmap -SS-F
just sends a SYN packet to check if each port is open.
I found out which ports my printer has open!
80 http
443 https
515 printer
631 ipp
9100 jetdirect
scan less ports: just the most common ones
-T4 or -T5
scan faster by timing out more quickly
♡ check TLS version and ciphers ♡
check if your server still supports old TLS versions
$ nmap
--script ssl-enum-ciphers
-p 443 wizardzines.com
list all scripts with:
$ nmap --script-help '*'
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