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commits in git are usually saved forever
Except! Orphaned commits are deleted periodically.
Illustration of a little garbage can.
Commits are orphaned when you:
git commit --amend
git rebase
- delete a branch that hasn’t been merged
what is an orphaned commit?
it’s a commit that isn’t in the history of any branch
they’re almost totally invisible, since Git will usually only show you commits on branches
orphan #1: git commit --amend
An illustration for a box that says parent
, with a line to a second box that says fix color buug
(typo!). The second box is labelled main
The same diagram as above, but there is now a second line coming out of the parent
box, going to a third box that says fix color bug
. The fix color buug
box is now labelled “now it’s an orphan!” and the fix color bug
box is labelled “main
orphan #2: git rebase
A box with two branches coming out of it. The top one is labelled “main
branch”. The second branch has two boxes, one with a heart, and one with a star. This branch is labelled “feature
A box with two branches coming out of it. The top branch consists of three boxes, one blank, one with a heart, and one with a star. The blank box is labelled “main
branch”, and the box with the star is labelled “feature
branch”. The second branch consists of two boxes, one with a heart, and one with a star. This branch is labelled “now these two are orphans!”
orphan #3: deleting unmerged branch
A box with two branches coming out of it. The first branch consists of one blank box, labelled “main
branch”. The second branch consists of two boxes, one with a heart, and one with a star. This branch is labelled “feature
after deleting feature
The same diagram as above, except that the second branch is now labelled “now these two are orphans!”
how to find orphan commits
the only way to find them is with git reflog
(or by memorizing their commit ID somehow)
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