Here's a preview from my zine, Bite Size Linux!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

read the transcript!
panel 1:
There are 3 things you can do to a file.
read write execute
panel 2:
Is -1 file.txt shows you permissions. Here’s how to interpret the output:
rw- bork (user) can read & write
rw- staff (group) can read & write
r– ANYONE can read
panel 3: File permissions are 12 bits
First digit: setuid
Second digit: setgid
Third digit: sticky
User 110 rwx
Group 110 rwx
all 100 rwx
For files:
r = can read
W = can write
X = can execute
For directories, it’s approximately:
r = can list files
W = can create files
x = can cd into & access files
panel 4:
110 in binary is 6
so rw- = 110 = 6
r– = 100 = 4
r– = 100 = 4
chmod 644 file.txt|
means change the permissions to:
rw- r– r–
panel 5:
setuid affects executables
rws r-x r-x root root
the s means ping always runs as root
does 3 different unrelated things for executables, directories, and regular files.
person: unix! why??
unix: it’s a long story
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