Here's a preview from my zine, How Containers Work!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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the same process has different PIDs in different namespaces
PID in host / PID in container
23512 / 1 (PID 1 is special)
23513 / 4
23518 / 12
PID namespaces are in a tree
Diagram showing “host PID namespace (the root)” with three arrows coming down from it, each pointing to a label that says “child”.
Often the tree is just 1 level deep (every child is a container)
you can see processes in child PID namespaces
Illustration of a host, represented by a box with heart eyes and a big smile.
host: aw! look at all those containers running!
if PID 1 exits, everyone gets killed
Illustration of PID 1, represented by a box with a smiley face, and Linux, represented by its penguin mascot.
PID 1: ok I’m done!
Linux: I’m kill -q’ing everyone else in this PID namespace IMMEDIATELY
Killing PID 1 accidentally would be bad
Illustration of a container process, represented by a box with a smiley face, and Linux, represented by its penguin mascot.
container process: kill 1
Linux: do you WANT everyone to die? I’m not gonna let you do that
rules for signaling PID 1
- from same container: only works if the process has set a signal handler
- from the host: only SIGKILL and SIGSTOP are ok, or if there’s a signal handler
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