Here's a preview from my zine, How Integers and Floats Work! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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how floats are printed
computers lie when they print out floats
(by rounding)
For example 0.12
isn’t 0.12
, it’s actually (roughly):
is my computer LYING to me??? about NUMBERS?
the string -> float translation
If your program says:
x = 0.12
your interpreter / compiler needs to translate “0.12
” into the float 0.119999999999999995559
. Most languages will use the strtod
(“string to double”) function from libc to do that translation.
the float -> string translation
This is where the rounding comes in. Computers round to make the numbers shorter and easier to read.
↪ 1.2
float -> string translation is actually super complicated
Every floating point number needs a unique string representation.
There are a bunch of academic papers about how to do this well, search “Printing floating point numbers accurately” to read more about it.
some examples of printing floats
↪ 1.9999999999999
you can also print floats in base 16 or base 2
For example, 0.1 as a 32-bit float is:
base 16: 0x1.99999ap-4
is the base 16. version of e-4
base 2: 1.10011001100110011001101p-100
The base 2/base 16 representations are not rounded, but they’re rarely used.
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