Here's a preview from my zine, Bite Size Bash!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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panel 1: unix programs have 1 input and 2 outputs
When you run a command from a terminal, the input & outputs go to/from the terminal by default.
Picture of a program (represented by a box with a smiley face) with 1 arrow coming in and 2 arrows out. The arrows are numbered 0, 1, and 2, and there’s a comment: “each input/output has a number, its “file descriptor”)
arrow 0 (coming into program): <
redirects stdin
wc < file.txt
and cat file.txt | wc
both read file.txt
to wc’s stdin
wc < file.txt
cat file.txt
arrow 1 (coming out of program): >
redirects stdout
cmd > file.txt
arrow 2 (coming out of program): 2>
redirects stderr
cmd 2> file.txt
panel 2: 2>&1
redirects stderr to stdout
cmd > file.txt 2>&1
Illustration of cmd, represented by a box with a smiley face. There is one arrow, labelled “sdout(1)”, leading to a box labelled “file.txt”. There is a second arrow coming out of cmd, labelled “stderr(2)”. Then, there’s a squiggly third arrow, labelled “2>&1”, that leads from “stderr(2)” to “file.txt”.
panel 3: /dev/null
your operating system ignores all writes to /dev/null
cmd > /dev/null
picture of stdout going to a trash can (/dev/null
) and stderr still going to the terminal
panel 2: sudo doesn’t addect redirects
your bash shell opens a file to redirect to it, and it’s running as you. So
$ sudo echo x > /etc/xyz
won’t work. do this instead:
$ sudo echo x | tee /etc/xyz
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