Here's a preview from my zine, The Pocket Guide to Debugging! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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Once I have a list of suspects, I can think about how to eliminate them.
Illustration of a pensive stick figure with curly hair.
person (thinking): “I’m really confused, but I can at least check if the server returned the right HTTP response here..”
Illustration of a box that says “client”, and a box that says “server”, with arrows going back and forth between them. Both boxes are labelled “suspicious”.
person (thinking): “that response looks good! the server isn’t the problem!”
Illustration of a box that says “client”, and a box that says “server”, with arrows going back and forth between them. The client box is labelled “suspicious”, with exclamation marks and question marks surrounding it, but the “server” box is labelled “ok”, with a check mark and smiley faces.
note: here we’re assuming that was the only request being made. Otherwise this wouldn’t be a safe conclusion :)
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