Here's a preview from my zine, Bite Size Linux!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

read the transcript!
panel 1:
Most programs on Linux use a bunch of C libraries.
Some popular libraries:
openssl (for SSL!)
sqlite (embedded db?)
zlib (gzip!)
lib pcre (regular expressions!)
libstdc++ (C++ standard library!)
panel 2:
There are 2 ways. to use any library:
1. Link it into your binary
your code (big binary with lots of things!) | zlib | sqlite
2. Use separate shared libraries
your code
(all different files)
panel 3:
Programs like this
your code | zlib | sqlite
are called “statically linked”
programs like this
your code
are called “dynamically linked”
panel 4:
person 1: how can I tell what shared libraries a Program is using?
person 2: Idd!!
libz.so.1 => /lib/x86-64...
lib resolv.so.2 =>....
libc.so.6 =>...
+34 more
panel 5:
person 1: I got a “library not found” error when running my binary?!
person 2: If you know where the library is, try setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable
dynamic linker: LO-LIBRARY_PATH
tells me where to look!
panel 6: Where the dynamic linker looks
in your executableLD- LIBRARY_PATH
in executable/etc/ld.so.cache.
(runIdconfig -p
to See contents)/lib, /usr/lib
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