Here's a preview from my zine, Help! I have a manager!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

read the transcript!
Every so often I’ll start with a small problem
Illustration of a stick figure with short curly hair, looking nonplussed.
employee: hmm this isn’t great
and forget to talk about it until I’m REALLY MAD
Illustration of a stick figure with short curly hair, looking very upset, and another stick figure, the manager, who has medium length straight hair, and looks confused, with question marks over their head.
manager, thinking: whoa where did that come from?
It’s way better to bring up a problem early and figure it out before it turns into a big deal!
Illustration of a stick figure with short curly hair, looking nonplussed, and their manager, a stick figure with medium length straight hair, who is smiling.
employee: I got paged 15 times this week, can we talk about how to improve this?
manager: yes let’s work on that!
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