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### the (64-bit) floating point number line Floating point numbers aren’t evenly distributed. Instead, they’re organized into windows: [0.25, 0.5], [0.5, 1], [1,2], [2,4], [4,8], [8,16], all the way up to [2^1023, 2^1024].
Every window has 2^52 floats in it. - between -2 and -1 - between -1 and - 1⁄2 - between - 1⁄2 and - 1⁄4 - between - 1⁄4 and 0 - between 0 and 1⁄4 - between 1⁄4 and 1⁄2 - between 1⁄2 and 1 - between 1 and 2
the windows go from REALLY small to REALLY big
The window closest to 0 is [2-1023 2-1022].
This is TINY: a hydrogen atom weighs about 2^-76 grams.
The biggest window is [2^1023, 2^1024].
This is HUUUGE: the farthest galaxy we know about is about 2^90 meters away.
the gaps between floats double with every window
- window: [1, 2] gap: 2^-52
- window: [2, 4] gap: 2^-51
- window: [4, 8] gap: 2^-50
- window: [8, 16] gap: 2^-49
why does 10000000000000000.0 + 1 = 10000000000000000.0?
- In the window [2^n, 2^n+1], the gap between floats is 2^n-52
is in the window [2^53, 2^54], where the gap is 2^1 (or 2)- So the next float after
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