Here's a preview from my zine, Help! I have a manager!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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Where I work, my manager wants people on the team to get promoted. If people are being promoted, it (hopefully) means that they’re growing & getting more awesome at their jobs, which makes the team’s manager look good!
Illustration of a smiling stick figure with short curly hair.
person, thinking: huh, maybe promotions are just a normal thing we can have a conversation about?
Some ways to start conversations: - can we walk through the expectations for the next level to make sure I understand them? - what areas do you think I should focus on? - if I accomplished X Y Z, do you think that would be enough to get promoted?
If this is something you care about, keep checking in periodically! The person who cares the most about your career is you ♡♡
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