Here's a preview from my zine, Hell Yes! CSS!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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duplication is annoying
Illustration of a frowning stick figure with curly hair.
person, thinking: ugh, I have color: #f79
set in 27 places and now I need to change it in 27 places
define variables in any selector
body {
--text-color: #f79;
body {
(applies to everything)
#header {
--text-color: #c50;
(applies to children of #header
use variables with var()
body {
color: var(--text-color);
(variables always start with --
do math on them with calc()
#sidebar {
width: calc(
var (--my-var) + 1em
you can change a variable’s value in Javascript
let root =
'--text-color', 'black');
changes to variables apply immediately
JS, represented by a box with a smiley face: set --text-color
to red
css renderer, also represented by a box with a smiley face: ok everything using it is red now!
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