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A stick figure smiling

Here's a preview from my zine, Hell Yes! CSS!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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CSS has 2 kinds of units: absolute & relative

absolute: - px - pt - pc - in - cm - mm

relative - em - rem - vw - vh - %


the root element’s font size

1rem is the same everywhere in the document. rem is a good unit for setting font sizes!


the parent element’s font size

.child {
   font-size: 1.5em;

Illustration of a box labelled “parent”. Inside it is a box labelled, in larger text, “child”. An arrow is pointing to the “child” text, labelled “font size is 1.5 x parent”.

O is the same in all units

.btn {
   margin: 0;

also, 0 is different from none. border: 0 sets the border width and border: none sets the style

1 inch = 96 px

on a screen, 1 CSS “inch” isn’t really an inch, and 1 CSS “pixel” isn’t really a screen pixel. look up “device pixel ratio” for more.

rem & em help with accessibility

.modal {
   width: 20rem;

this scales nicely if the user increases their browser’s default font size

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